
Letter: Attacks on tribes are 'atrocious'


"It is atrocious and unforgivable how the Native American tribes, especially those that are seeking federal recognition, are being treated in this state. If the state approached the issues of “federal recognition” and “casino gambling” with an open mind, with compassion and empathy, maybe a resolution can be forthcoming that would be agreeable and would benefit all peoples in Connecticut.

I assume that the tribes must negotiate with the state regarding conditions upon opening a casino. Cannot conditions be agreed upon that are beneficial both to the state and the tribes?

Connecticut is in a deep financial deficit. If the state were to come to the bargaining table with an open mind, a positive outlook and a will to compromise when in negotiations with the tribes, both the tribes and the state would win."

Get the Story:
Letter: State Persecutes Native American Tribes (Marjorie Cusati Peickert. The New London Day 2/12)