Rahall: Undermining the trust relationship
WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2002 "While the relationship between the U.S. government and sovereign Indian tribes has evolved tremendously over the years as a result of treaties, litigation and legislation, the outcome of two cases pending before the U. S. Supreme Court has the potential of dramatically altering and more narrowly defining the nature of the government’s trust responsibility to tribes for decades to come. In concept, but unfortunately not always in practice, the more than 560 federally recognized tribes in the United States have the right to expect the federal government to work in the best interest of Indian country even with self-determination and self-governance being part and parcel of that relationship. However, as witnessed by two pending Supreme Court cases, the nature of the government’s trust responsibility is coming under attack by the Bush Administration. In my view, the Administration apparently is seeking to erode the modern-era concept of trust responsibility partly in an effort to feather the federal budget nest. In one sense, while the Administration speaks of tax cuts for the wealthy, it also seeks to reduce budget deficits on the backs of Indian country." Get the Story:
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