
Editorial: Not racist to probe Indian votes


It's not racist to probe allegations of voter fraud among American Indians, The Rapid City Journal says in an editorial today.

"While it may be racist to claim voting irregularities on Indian reservations when there are none, it is not racist to investigate the claims or to report on the allegations," the paper says.

But Trent Lott's comments about Strom Thurmond are racist, the paper goes on to state.

"Lott's words at retiring Sen. Strom Thurmond's 100th birthday last week are unmistakably racist, and his lukewarm apology for them notwithstanding - 'a poor choice of words' - it requires a repudiation of the sentiments he expressed, if not by Lott, then by President George Bush and Republican leaders," the paper says.

"Lott's words are self-evident. He needs to repudiate those sentiments, and Senate Republicans should replace Lott as majority leader."

Get the Story:
Editorial: Lott should step down (The Rapid City Journal 12/12)

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