
Wash. tribe in court reclaim treaty rights


The Samish Nation of Washington was told it didn't exist. And neither did its treaty rights, which were signed away by a federal judge 24 years ago.

The tribe is back in court to regain its right to fish. The defendants in the case are the federal government -- and 10 tribes that oppose changing the way the fish catch is doled out under U.S. District Judge George Boldt's original decision to split the harvest 50-50 between tribes and non-Indians.

The Samish Nation was restored federal status by a judge in 1996. It has sued to regain funds lost for the years the Bureau of Indian Affairs said the tribe was not recognized.

Get the Story:
Samish seek fishing rights, calling treaty 'soul of the tribe' (The Seattle Post-Intelligencer 12/6)
Tribe in court for treaty rights (The Seattle Times 12/6)

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