
Lawmakers attempt to thwart recognition


A group of Connecticut lawmakers made a last-ditch attempt to thwart a decision on the federal recognition of the Schaghticoke Tribal Nation.

The lawmakers wrote to Secretary of Interior Gale Norton and asked her to delay a ruling, The Hartford Courant reported. "When the BIA's recognition criteria are not objectively and consistently applied, and when evidence is ignored, both tribes and other communities suffer injury," the paper quoted the letter as stating.

The tribe is to receive a proposed finding on its federal status today. A final decision, whether positive or negative, is a year away.

Get the Story:
Lawmakers Request Delay In Tribe's Case (The Hartford Courant 12/5)
Lawmakers ask Interior to be strict on recognition (The New London Day 12/5)
Bureau of Indian Affairs scheduled to rule on tribe (The New Haven Register 12/5)

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