
Statement by Secretary of Interior Gale NortonRegarding the Retirement of Assistant Secretary of Indian Affairs Neal McCaleb


Today Interior Secretary Gale A. Norton accepted the decision of Neal McCaleb, Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs, to retire effective Dec. 31, 2002. Secretary Norton released the following statement. November 21, 2002.

"It is with great reluctance, deep regret and a sense of personal loss that I accept the retirement of Neal McCaleb, Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs.

"Neal serves as an extremely valuable member of my leadership team, and he will be very difficult to replace. He is a cherished asset who played a pivotal role in achieving some of our significant goals. Thanks to his expertise, leadership and personal drive, we have made significant accomplishments for which he deserves great credit.

"Neal McCaleb- the businessman, private citizen and member of a state legislature and a Governor's cabinet- aimed high and kept his focus on bringing real economic development to Indian Country. As a member of my team, he never wavered in his loyalty to the principles, needs and goals of American Indians, Alaska natives and this administration.

"Neal has my personal thanks and admiration for all of his hard work and service to this great country. I accept his decision for retirement with regret and a sense of understanding."