
Editorial: The power of the Indian vote


It won't be long before Native Americans, not Soccer Moms or Angry White Men, will be deciding elections in certain states, The Santa Fe New Mexican says in an editorial today.

"With more attention to voter registration and on-the-street, get-out-the-vote drives, Indian voters will be a force to be reckoned with in New Mexico elections," the paper writes.

The effort is also championed by The Sioux Falls Argus Leader in an editorial. While the paper isn't as excited about the possibility to sway elections, it says Native Americans need to continue to register and to vote.

Native Americans around the country have found new power - at the ballot box," the paper writes. "And that brings up a key question - will it continue, even grow?"

The paper cites a few races in which Indian voters played a role. They include the re-election of Sen. Tim Johnson in South Dakota and the election of Democrat Janet Napolitano as governor of Arizona.

Get the Story:
Editorial: Indian Voters Provide Margin in Close Elections (The Santa Fe New Mexican 11/18)
Editorial: Motivating Indian voters (The Sioux Falls Argus Leader 11/17)

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