
Mondale pitched for Senate seat


Former vice president Walter Mondale is seen as the replacement for the late Senator Paul Wellstone (D-Minnesota), who died last week in a plane crash that also killed his wife, daughter and five others.

Mondale was a two-term senator before becoming Jimmy Carter's vice president in 1976. He ran for president in 1984 but lost.

A decision won't be made until after Wellstone's funeral service, which is scheduled for Tuesday. But almost every expects Mondale to join the race.

Some Republicans are already criticizing Mondale in media statements. Candidate Norm Coleman, who was in a close race with Wellstone, is not campaigning for the time being.

Get the Story:
GOP Takes Aim at Mondale in Minn. Race (The Washington Post 10/28)
Victims' families place flowers at Eveleth crash site (The Minneapolis Star Tribune 10/28)
Mondale Expected to Enter Campaign (The New York Times 10/28)
G.O.P. Candidate Is Treading Warily After Months of Attacking Incumbent (The New York Times 10/28)
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