
AFN events kick off today in Anchorage


Nearly 5,000 Alaska Natives are expected to turn out for the 2002 Alaska Federation in Anchorage this week.

Youth and Elders are the focus of activities starting today through Wednesday. The program includes cultural events, arts and crafts and wellness.

The rest of the week is geared towards the issues facing Alaska Native governments. Federal status, subsistence and sovereignty are expected to be hot topics.

Gov. Tony Knowles (D) will make the keynote on Thursday. He is known for his decision to drop appeals of the Katie John subsistence case and to treat Native governments as sovereign entities.

Secretary of Interior Gale Norton will make a taped address the same day. Assistant Secretary Neal McCaleb is not on the program but he spoke at AFN last year

Listen to KNBA for complete coverage of the Thursday-Saturday events.

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AFN event expects 5,000 (The Anchorage Daily News 10/20)

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