
Time to count dead fish at Klamath


The number of dead fish in the Klamath River in northern California appears to be dropping.

Now, federal biologists must count the fish to come up with an official death toll. The Yurok and Hoopa Valley tribe estimated as many as 30,000 dead.

The exact cause of death is not known but the lack of water is seen as the major contributing factor. Secretary of Interior Gale Norton denied water to the rivers in order to sastify white farmers.

A new pulse of water has been promised but will only last two weeks.

Get the Story:
Klamath River salmon kill wanes; death toll from disease may top 30,000 fish (The Seattle Times 10/1)
Die-off abating in Klamath River (AP 10/1)
Officials wait for water to aid fish (The Klamath Falls Herald and News 9/30)

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Norton reverses decision on Klamath water (9/30)
Tribes estimate 30,000 dead salmon (9/27)
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