
Senate panel approves Shoshone payout


The Senate Committee on Indian Affairs on Wednesday approved without objection a bill to distribute a $138 million trust fund to members of the Western Shoshone Nation.

The fund is derived from a settlement for a 23.6 million-acre land claim. About 6,600 members would receive about $20,000 each.

Some believe the payout needs to be accompanied by land. Others say the Western Shoshone tribes, which are located in Nevada, Utah, California and Idaho, never ceded the land.

Get the Story:
Senate panel approves funds for Western Shoshone Indians (AP 9/25)

Get the Bill:
S. 958, A bill to provide for the use and distribution of the funds awarded to the Western Shoshone identifiable group.

Relevant Documents:
Written Witness Testimony (8/2) | Inter-American Commission on Human Rights Report | Cover Letter | Summary of Conclusions

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