
Editorial: Norton needs to settle trust


"A federal judge has once again found a Cabinet official in contempt over failed efforts to account for money the government holds in trust for Indians. District Judge Royce Lamberth in Washington, D.C., this week declared Interior Secretary Gale Norton and an assistant committed “a fraud on the court” for filing false and misleading statements regarding the government’s progress in rectifying a century of bad accounting.

In time, the courts can settle matters – undoubtedly with a massive judgment in favor of Indian beneficiaries. Congress ultimately will have to pony up a huge sum to square things with Indians. American taxpayers will wind up paying through the nose for generations of government malfeasance and incompetence. We shudder to think how much money will be squandered on legal fees in the meantime. . ."

Get the Story:
Editorial: It’s a job for politicians, not accountants (The Missoulian 9/20)

Relevant Links:
Indian Trust: Cobell v. Norton -
Cobell v. Norton, Department of Justice -
Indian Trust, Department of Interior -
Trust Reform, NCAI -

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