
Okla. tribe wants river suit kept alive


The United Keetoowah Band of Cherokees wants to intervene in a lawsuit over the Arkansas River of Oklahoma.

Congress is currently considering a bill to resolve outstanding claims to the river bed. But the tribe, which is federally recognized, says a proposed settlement for $50 million and land is unfair.

The tribe says its views have been ignored by the much larger Cherokee, Choctaw and Chickasaw nations. The latter three tribes support the bill.

If the settlement is approved, the Cherokee Nation would get $25 million million. The Choctaw Nation would get $18.75 million and the Chickasaw Nation would get $6.25 million.

Get the Story:
Keetoowah Band seeking to intervene in river suit (The Daily Oklahoman 9/10)

Get the Bill:
The Cherokee, Choctaw, and Chickasaw Nations Claims Settlement Act (H.R.3534)