
Pueblo wants changes to land claim bill


Sandia Pueblo in New Mexico wants changes made to a land claim bill near Senate passage.

Pueblo Gov. Stuwart Paisano said more control over hunting and development in the Sandia Mountains is needed. If changes aren't made by November 15, the day a settlement involving 10,000 acres of land expires, the tribe may consider blocking access to recreation trails and picnic areas.

The bill, and the settlement, terminate the tribe's claim to the west face of the mountains in exchange for veto development over new uses and criminal and civil jurisdiction over Indians in a land preserve.

Get the Story:
Pueblo Could Block Recreational Access Unless Legislation Changes (AP 8/26)

Get the Bill:
A bill to establish the T'uf Shur Bien Preservation Trust Area within the Cibola National Forest in the State of New Mexico to resolve a land claim involving the Sandia Mountain Wilderness, and for other purposes (S.2018)

Related Solicitor Opinons:
Tarr Opinion (December 9, 1988) | Tarr Opinion Reconsidered (December 5, 2000) | Eastern Boundary of Sandia Pueblo (January 19, 2001)

Related Decisions:
Sandia v. Babbitt (December 1996) | Sandia v. Babbitt (July 1998) | Pueblo of Sandia v. Babbitt (November 2000)

Relevant Links:
Sandia Pueblo -

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