
Editorial: BIA is just too political


Decisions made at the Bureau of Indian Affairs during the Clinton and Bush administrations are influenced by politics and casino money, The New London Day says in an editorial today.

"The deep-seated anger expressed at the meeting was based in the belief that the federal government is so tainted by political corruption and swayed by money that these influences play a critical role in the process of tribal recognition, and the seemingly-inevitable casinos that follow such recognition," the paper writes.

The paper cites the recognition of the historic Eastern Pequot Tribe by Assistant Secretary Neal McCaleb as one example. The paper insinuates a Republican lobbyist with ties to the White House must have influenced the decision.

The paper also cites actions by former BIA Chief Kevin Gover. His decision to interpret recognition criteria was wrong, the paper says, even though the regulations allow for discretion.

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Editorial: Fixing a broken system (The New London Day 8/8)