
Village buoyed by court ruling on mine


The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals on Tuesday upheld tough environmental requirements for a mine being opposed by an Alaska Native village.

The court said the Red Dog zinc mine needs to install $12 million anti-pollution equipment sought by the Environmental Protection Agency. The state said the investment wasn't needed.

The village of Kivalina plans to sue the mine over alleged Clean Water Act violations. The village filed a brief in the 9th Circuit case.

Get the Story:
Appeals court sides with EPA on Red Dog permit (The Anchorage Daily News 7/31)

Get the Case:
STATE OF ALASKA v. US ENVTL. PROT. AGENCY, No. 00-70166/69/75, 70301 (9th Cir. July 30, 200

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Alaska Natives to sue over mine damage (7/18)