
Opinion: Windtalkers ignored true story

MONDAY, JULY 1, 2002

Windtalkers, the flop which has contributed to the ouster of an MGM executive, failed because it was a story about white men instead of the Navajo Code Talkers, a woman researched the soldiers writes in an opinion today.

"Though purportedly the story of the Navajo 'code talkers,' in fact the real purpose of 'Windtalkers' was clearly to create a vehicle for yet more white male stars," Elizabeth R. Valenzuela, whose father fought in World War II, writes in The Los Angeles Times.

Windtalkers cost $115 million to make but had additional promotion costs. It took in just $14 million in its opening weekend.

Worldwide marketing and distribution president, Robert Levin has left his post after a string of MGM flops.

K.E. Sturgeon III of The Miami News-Record is more kind to the movie and said viewers should overlook the fact that it is a "star vehicle" for Nicolas Cage, a white man.

Get the Story:
Counterpunch: Ignoring True Story Doomed 'Windtalkers' (The Los Angeles Times 7/1)
MGM/UA Marketing Chief Replaced (The Los Angeles Times 7/1)
Username: indianz, Password: indianzcom
K.E. Sturgeon III: Code Talkers Deserve Honor (The Miami News-Record 7/1)

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