
Congressman not wearing his whities

FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 2002

Rep. Bob Schaffer (R-Colo.) didn't wear his Fightin' Whites gear to Thursday night's Congressional baseball game.

But he did put on the jersey of Eaton High School and proudly displayed its Fightin' Reds mascot. The mascot depicts a cartoonish Indian with his rear end exposed.

Schaffer called the debate over mascots "silly," according to press accounts.

Get the Story:
Schaffer dons 'Reds' jersey (The Denver Post 6/21)
Mascot flap has Rep. Schaffer coloring outside the lines of political correctness (The Denver Rocky Mountain News 6/21)

Relevant Links:
Rep. Bob Schaffer -
Fighting Whities -
Fighting Whities Merchandise -

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