
EPA relaxes clean air program

FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 2002

After a year of discussion, the Environmental Protection Agency on Thursday proposed changes to the New Source Review program.

The NSR is part of the Clean Air Act that seeks to reduce pollution. The program defines the guidelines older coal-burning power plants follow when performing upgrades.

The industry complained the rules weren't specific. The Clinton administration filed lawsuits to force older power plants into compliance.

The changes being offered seek to clarify the guidelines, reduce lawsuits and encourage upgrades. The proposal will be subject to a public comment process.

Get the Story:
EPA Proposes To Ease Rules On Clean Air (The Washington Post 6/14)
White House Seeks a Change in Rules on Air Pollution (The New York Times 6/14)
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Relevant Documents:
Letter to President | Report to President | NSR Recommendations

Relevant Links:
New Source Review -

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