
DOI organization charts published


Additional documents of the Department of Interior's joint tribal-federal task force on trust reform are published in today's Federal Register.

The task force earlier this month issued a report to Secretary Gale Norton that outlines options for reorganization of Indian trust duties within the department. That report, along with organizational charts presenting ideas for the alternatives, are published.

The task force identified a total of five options. The organizational charts show what is is being considered but no particular structure has been chosen.

Tribes should have received their consultation packages starting last week. The package contains the report and other information.

Norton will host a meeting to discuss the options in Bismarck, North Dakota, next week. The session will take place June 18, from 7pm to 10pm at the Bismarck City Center.

The task force will use the session to get comments on the high-level reorganization. More detailed information on regional and area reform will then be developed.

Relevant Documents:
Task Force Full Report | Task Force Federal Register Notice | Task Force Organizational Charts Only | Tentative Schedule of Upcoming Events | Task Force Members | TRIBAL LEADERS / DOI TRUST REFORM TASK FORCE UPDATE

Relevant Links:
Indian Trust, Department of Interior -
Indian Trust: Cobell v. Norton -
Trust Reform, NCAI -

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