Indianz.Com > News > Weekly Native news recap on Clubhouse
Julianna Brannum, a citizen of the Comanche Nation, serves as series producer of PBS America. She is seen here in Lawton, Oklahoma. Photo: Lynsey Jones
Weekly Native news recap on Clubhouse
Friday, April 9, 2021

Please join Indianz.Com on Clubhouse for our weekly Native news wrap-up!

Our special guest this Friday evening is Julianna Brannum, a filmmaker and citizen of the Comanche Nation. She will discuss efforts to hold PBS, the Public Broadcasting Service, accountable for its lack of Native creators and lack of Native-led projects.

Brannum’s credits include LaDonna Harris: Indian 101. The documentary focuses the legendary Comanche activist LaDonna Harris, who happens to be the filmmaker’s great-aunt.

Brannum also served as series producer for Native America. The multi-part project debuted on PBS in 2018.

The Indianz.Com news wrap-up takes place every Friday evening on the Clubhouse platform. This week’s show will start at 7pm Eastern.

The wrap-up is hosted by Kevin Abourezk (Rosebud Sioux), Acee Agoyo (Ohkay Owingeh/Cochiti/Kewa), Mia Merrick (Omaha) and Todd York (Choctaw). Please send a direct message to @miaindianz1 on Twitter with questions you would like raised during the show. You can also request an invite to join Clubhouse through direct message.