Trucks deliver tanks for installation at the Ross Project uranium mine and mill site in Wyoming in 2015. The site is located near the sacred Mato Tipila. Photo courtesy Windcreek Services Inc.
Mapping project reveals unexpected uranium company claims active in the Black Hills
By Talli Nauman
Native Sun News Today
Health & Environment Editor
nativesunnews.today RAPID CITY –– Results of an exhaustive, two-year scientific study released November 29 show active mine claims of uranium mining companies in unsuspected areas near Black Hills population centers. The study maps almost 2,100 uranium company claims under federal jurisdiction. Some 700 of them are in South Dakota and the remainder in adjacent Wyoming counties. “We need to be alert for any activity on these claims and to ensure that water testing includes regular tests for uranium and for radioactivity,” said Lilias Jarding, who conducted the study for Black Hills Clean Water Alliance. She revealed little-known uranium company claims at Central City, just south of Crook City, west of Sturgis, west of Black Hawk, and southwest of Spearfish, just over the Wyoming line. Jarding said the organization commissioned the study and released the results because “if someone is drinking water downstream from subsurface or surface uranium mining, there is a clear and present danger to their health.” The results will help people not to buy property near these claims if they don’t want to have uranium mining on their land or upstream,” Jarding told the Native Sun News.

Read the rest of the story on the Native Sun News Today website: Mapping project reveals unexpected uranium company claims active in the Black Hills (Contact Talli Nauman at talli.nauman@gmail.com) Copyright permission Native Sun News
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