Denver American Horse
Sacred Hoop Okh’olakichiye (Society)
By Denver American Horse
Lakota Country Times Columnist
lakotacountrytimes.com Hau Kh’ola (Hello friend), toh niktuka hwo (how are you)? Le Anpetu kin (Today is) Anpetu Th’okahe (Monday). Waniyetu Wi (Moon of Winter - November) Wikchemna Nunpa ahke Shaglog’an (28th), Kh’oktopawing’e Nunpa sam Ahke Shakpe (2, 016). Th’ankal mashteshte (Outside it is sunny), eyaish (but) Th’ate osni yelo (is a cold wind). Yupiyakel (Nicely) Wopila-eyapi (Thanksgiving) unkpaptab (is beyond us) cha he washte (so that is good). Th’unjan waye tipi ekta wai (I went to my niece’s house) nahan tanyan wountahpi (and we had a fine meal). Nakun (Also), tanyan wounglakapi (we had good conversations). Oiehanhan wichoyake wan omakiyakapi (They told me about a joke). Lechel eyapi (They said it this way): wanji heyake (one of them says), “How many Rosebudders does it take to change a light bulb”? Slolye shni (He did not know) cha (so), okiyakahb (they told him); “None. They still live in the Dark Ages”. lol (Ho Th’ankah Ih’at_ah)! - Ogna Pine Ridgers ki echa wichakh’ab seche lo eph’e (I said, “Perhaps they meant the Pine Ridgers”). We had some Carlos Rossi table wine with our Thanksgiving meal, so the cops would have thrown us in jail if they found out. Last month on November 22nd, the American Legion State Vice Commander Ed Thompson and I delivered some Thanksgiving meal items (turkey, ham, gravy mix, potatoes, etc.) to a veteran in Kyle; and another veteran in Manderson. We visited with the family in Kyle for awhile and learned that his wife is from the Navajo Nation. It was a pleasure to meet her. Especially because I hear that November is Native American Heritage Month. I am sure they are keeping their wood stove warm. Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert McDonald was scheduled to be in Hot Springs on November 30th regarding the VA Hospital reconfiguration (a fancy word for hospital closure). I had a VA Hospital appointment there in Hot Springs on November 15th, and it sure feels deserted already. Nevertheless, I hope the closure does not happen. On my morning there, I visited with a veteran from the Kilgore, Nebraska (south of St Francis on the Rosebud Reservation) area. He traveled quite some distance to take care of his health. I also saw the Rosebud Veterans’ van there with at least four (Tohpa) occupants. Many miles for them also. In closing, I would like to leave you with a lakh’ota word (Oie): Waglekshun = turkey. Oko ichinunpa ki (Next week), ahke wounglakin ktelo (we will talk again). Find the award-winning Lakota Country Times on the Internet, Facebook and Twitter and download the new Lakota Country Times app today.
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