Indian Tobacco Tax Bill on Governor Paterson's Desk (WGRZ 12/11)
Cigarette tax bill lands on governor’s desk (AP 12/11)
Paterson has 10 days to rule on Indian cigarette taxes (The Buffalo News 12/12) Related Stories:
Seneca Nation worried about New York taxation push (12/9)
Anti-smoking groups back tribal tobacco bill (11/12)
Seneca Nation runs campaign against tobacco bill (11/11)
New York City seeks smokeshop injunction (10/29)
Editorial: Indian smokeshops and organized crime (10/27)
Editorial: New York City finds a new foe in tribes (10/10)
More than 30M cartons sold on New York reservations (10/2)
New York City mayor sues Indian smokeshops (9/30)
New York governor pressed on tribal tobacco bill (09/04)
Editorial: Negotiate tribal tobacco deal in New York (9/3)
St. Regis Mohawk Tribe opposes tobacco tax bill (8/26)
Seneca Nation lobbies governor on tobacco tax bill (8/14)
Seneca Nation opposes tobacco tax bill (8/12)