Former Tulalip housing official admits embezzlement

The former housing director for the Tulalip Tribes of Washington pleaded guilty on Friday to embezzling $23,500.

Dale M. Jones "double dipped" into tribal housing accounts, federal authorities said. He admitted taking stipends for meetings and travel while being paid a salary.

Jones faces 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine. He has been ordered to pay back the $23,500.

The tribe is facing scrutiny from the Department of Housing and Urban Development for its handling of housing funds. Jones and the other housing commissioners were fired after HUD warned of inappropriate spending.

Get the Story:
Ex-housing chairman admits to embezzling (The Seattle Post-Intelligencer 10/30)
Embezzlement admitted (The Everett Herald 10/30)
Ex-Tulalip official pleads guilty (The Seattle Times 10/30)

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