Federal Recognition
Editorial: Shinnecock Nation deserves an answer

Whatever one thinks of the Shinnecock Nation's plans for a casino, the New York tribe deserves an answer on its federal recognition petition, Newsday says in an editorial.

The paper calls the casino in the Hamptons "a bad idea." But the paper says the tribe has waited long enough -- nearly 30 years -- for the Bureau of Indian Affairs to make a decision.

"Our history shows that Washington acted quickly enough to strip tribes of their lands," the paper says. "So the bureaucracy owes it to tribes to make this process more expeditious."

The Shinnecock Nation has been recognized since Colonial times and has a reservation on Long Island.

Get the Story:
Editorial: Speed U.S. action on Shinnecocks (Newsday 4/2)

Relevant Links:
Shinnecock Nation - http://www.shinnecocknation.com

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