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Editorial: California tribes to blame for college
Tuesday, January 25, 2005

"For some reason, while many of California's Indian tribes have been generating riches through new and bigger casinos, they appear to have shared little of that wealth and little of their time shoring up the state's only tribal college. D-Q University, an assemblage of buildings in the boondocks of Yolo County, is on its last legs. An accrediting agency has yanked D-Q's ability to grant degrees or offer courses that count for college credit. D-Q's troubles are not exactly new. It has been a troubled institution for years. But what makes the imminent demise of D-Q so remarkable is how poor it is and how wealthy some of its potential benefactors have become.

The state's gambling tribes have not hesitated to exert their sovereign rights to the hilt, and then some, when it comes to building casinos, expanding their gambling enterprises and even skirting some regulations for reporting political activity. When it comes to D-Q, however, there has been little enthusiasm and little funding. If only a fraction of the energy had been spent on D-Q, it would be the Thunder Valley of Indian colleges. If only a fraction of tribal funds had gone to D-Q rather than to the campaign coffers of legislators and other politicians, it would be a veritable Caesar's Palace."

Get the Story:
Editorial: Casinos, but no college (The Sacramento Bee 1/22)

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