Vote to make our ancestors proud!
We have the power to make change by making our voices heard. Many elections have been won by a very small margin in Alaska. Every single vote counts. Make sure you unlock your power and vote on November 5.
If you haven’t voted yet, please make a plan to cast your ballot before 8:00PM (AKST) tomorrow, Tuesday, November 5. If you don’t know where your polling location is, you can find it on the Division of Elections website at www.elections.alaska.gov/election-polls/.
If you have already voted, please reach out to your neighbors, your aunties and uncles, your cousins, and make sure everyone has a voting plan and a ride to the polls. It is up to us to make sure all our people get the chance to stand up for our future ancestors.
Quyana, How’aa, Taikuu, Tsin’aen, Chin’an, Quyanaa, Qaĝaasakung, Quyanauqpak, Gunalchéesh!
Interested in understanding more about the power of our Native vote? Wondering how the ranked choice voting system works? All of this and more was covered in this great presentation from Michelle (Macuar) Sparck and Ivan Encelewski at Convention 2024. You can also learn more at aknativevote.com/.

#GOTN #OurChildrenOurFutureAncestors #2024AFN
When sending in your absentee ballot please make sure to have a witness signature, at least one voter identifier (last four of SSN, birthdate, etc), and postmark your ballot by Tuesday, November 5. If you have any questions, concerns or need additional assistance please reach out to your regional director office. You can find their contact information here.

Image Credit: GOTNV.RIO Project - William Kozloff (Fairbanks)
Learn more about everything that will be on your ballots this election season on the Division of Elections website. There are five online pamphlets available, one for each region.
Image Credit: GOTNV.RIO Project - Mariza Aparicio-Tovar (Homer.Anchor Point)
As in previous years, AFN circulated a volunteer US House of Representatives Candidate Questionnaire. Responses are available below, on our website, and on the AFN App (downloadable in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store under “Alaska Federation of Natives”):
- Nick Begich (pending)
- John Wayne Howe
- Mary Sattler Peltola

Image Credit: GOTNV.RIO Project - Zaniyah Chestnut (Fairbanks)
If you need language assistance or other voter assistance, please ask your poll workers for more information or call your Regional Directors for the Division of Elections or call 907-465-4611 or toll-free 866-952-8683. You can also find more information in specific languages here and voter accessibility here.

Image Credit: GOTNV.RIO Project - Inuraaq Evans (Nome)
The Alaska Federation of Natives was formed in October 1966, when more than 400 Alaska Natives representing 17 Native organizations gathered for a three-day conference to address Alaska Native aboriginal land rights. It is now the largest and oldest statewide Native organization in Alaska. Its membership includes 177 federally recognized tribes, 154 village corporations, 9 regional corporations and 9 regional non-profit and tribal consortiums that contract and compact to run federal and state programs. AFN is governed by a 38-member Board, which is elected by its membership at the annual convention held each October. AFN's mission is to enhance and promote the cultural, economic and political voice of the entire Alaska Native community. Learn more at www.nativefederation.org.