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Chemehuevi Tribe back on track with groundbreaking on second gaming facility

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

The Chemehuevi Tribe owns and operates the Havasu Landing Resort and Casino in Havasu Lake, California. Photo: Havasu Landing Resort and Casino

The Chemehuevi Tribe is restarting work on a second gaming facility in California.

The tribe is hosting a groundbreaking ceremony in Havasu Lake next Tuesday, Today’s News-Herald reported. Plans call for a 25,000 square-foot facility with 320 gaming machines, a 48-room hotel and a restaurant, the paper said.

Tribal employees previously told the paper that construction began in April 2016 and that the facility would open within 15 to 16 months. It's not clear why the schedule has changed.

The tribe operates the Havasu Landing Resort and Casino on Lake Havasu. The new facility will be located nearby, according to the paper.

Read More on the Story:
Chemehuevi plan groundbreaking for new casino (Today’s News-Herald November 8, 2017)

Related Stories:
Chemehuevi Tribe hosts public hearing for new gaming facility (October 6, 2015)