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Mississippi Choctaw citizens prepare for referendum on new $25 million gaming facility

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Preliminary work began on the Red Water Casino in Leake County in Mississippi earlier in 2017. Photo: Chahta for Better Government

Citizens of the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians who oppose plans for a new casino are getting ready for a referendum on the issue.

A date hasn't been officially announced, The Jackson Clarion-Ledger reported. But Chahta for Better Government, whose members won a tribal court decision in favor of the vote on the $25 million Red Water Casino, says it must occur by November 22.

"We will have an election on the Red water casino!" the group said in a post on Facebook. "Thank you to everyone for standing by your signature!"

Chief Phyliss Anderson and the tribe's election committee had rejected a petition submitted by the group but decided not to pursue an appeal on the matter.

"I stand firm in my commitment to this project and the many successes I believe the Red Water Casino can achieve," Anderson said in an August 30 post, when the petition was certified as legitimate. "And I have faith in our Choctaw people to evaluate the project on its merits and make an informed decision. I strongly believe we must work together to create more opportunities now and a brighter future for our children."

Red Water, if approved, would be the third gaming facility on the reservation. The flagship is the Pearl River Resort in Philadelphia.

A second facility, the Bok Homa Casino, is located in a satellite community. Red Water would be about the same size as Bok Homa.

Read More on the Story:
Choctaws expected to vote soon on new casino near Carthage (The Jackson Clarion-Ledger August 31, 2017)
Choctaw tribe to vote soon on new Mississippi casino (The Associated Press September 1, 2017)

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