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Editorial: Initiative wrong to pit whites against Indians

Tuesday, October 5, 2004

"'Just treat us the same,' I-892 promoters say, in a thinly veiled play to the acrimony some whites feel toward the tribes, picking at old scabs over hunting and fishing disputes. The real 'us' is the non-tribal gambling interests eager to exploit this opportunity.

Unlike tribal gambling proceeds, which are committed to social and health services, the 65 percent video slots 'take' would go to private gambling interests.

The sweetener for this sour deal for the rest of "us" is the prospect of a cut in state property taxes.

That's the come-on. Initiative 892 isn't about cutting taxes; it's about expanding gambling."

Get the Story:
Editorial: I-892 a sucker's bet (The Seattle Post-Intelligencer 10/5)