Spending on two rival Indian gaming initiatives has hit $105 million, The Palm Springs Desert Sun reports.
The amount spent on Proposition 68 and Proposition 70 tops amount spent on Proposition 5, another Indian gaming initiative. That year, spending hit $90 million. Eight committees have spent money on Prop. 68 and Prop. 70. The largest donors to the Yes on Proposition 70 was the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians, the sponsor of the initiative, with $13.7 million, and the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians, with $11 million. The non-Indian card clubs and racetracks backing Prop. 68 dropped their campaign amid sagging performance in the polls. Californians Against the Deceptive Gambling Proposition: a Coalition of Indian Gaming Tribes has spent the most against the initiative, with $34.3 million. Get the Story: