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Indian gaming in Minnesota: What are the odds?
Monday, January 31, 2005
The Minneapolis Star Tribune runs down seven options for gaming in Minnesota now that Gov. Tim Pawlenty (R) is moving to expand the industry. Here are the odds:
The Long Shot - Mall of America casino. No Snoopy slots for you!
The Smart Money - Racinos. It's happened everywhere else!
The Favorite - The urban tribal casino. Why not?
The Crap Shoot - Video slots at bars, truck stops, bowling alleys, etc. Because Slim Jims go better with Triple 7s.
The Short Odds - Expanded tribal-state compacts. But do tribes want new games?
The Hard Way - A state-run casino to raise money for a stadium. Boring.
The Dark Horse - A casino in St. Paul. Even more boring.
Meanwhile, readers continue to weigh in on Pawlenty's latest actions. Says one: "It is outrageous that the governor's extortion talks continue regarding tribal casinos. Can't we honor at least one treaty promise with Native Americans?" Another: "How did Tim Pawlenty, who grew up in working-class South St. Paul, end up endorsing gambling to fund the frivolity of sports stadiums while cutting $200 million to MinnesotaCare, the state-sponsored health care program for low-income individuals? One more Minnesota politician who's sold his soul."
Get the Story:
Trying to figure the casino odds
(The Minneapolis Star Tribune 1/30)
Letters: A downtown casino? (The Minneapolis Star Tribune 1/31)
Letters: Simple extortion (The Minneapolis Star Tribune 1/30)