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Tribe of man seeking casino in leadership dispute

Friday, June 10, 2005

The Bureau of Indian Affairs is refusing to recognize anyone as the leader of a small tribe in Nevada whose self-proclaimed chief wants to open a casino in California.

The Winnemucca Indian Colony has been federally recognized since 1934 and has land in Winnemucca, Nevada. William Bill, who says he is the chief, wants to build a casino more than 300 miles away in Flag City, California, which is near Lodi and Stockton.

But the BIA says the tribe has no leader. "We don't recognize any tribe," Bob Hunter, the superintendent of the Western Nevada Agency, told The Lodi News-Sentinel.

Bill has been fighting with the Wasson family for control of the tribe for several years. His leadership was disputed by Glen Wasson, who was stabbed to death last year. The dispute is currently in federal court.

Get the Story:
Casino seeker's affiliation disputed (The Lodi News-Sentinel 6/10)
Tribe hopes to build casino in Flag City (San Joaquin News Service 6/10)