"While there is no unanimity of opinion in Orangeburg County, our state and local leaders have opened their arms to the Catawba Indian Nation in its effort to locate a high-stakes bingo operation along Interstate 95 in Santee.
Even in pursuing a new legal case against the state of South Carolina, the tribe continues to insist its primary interest is locating the facility in Santee. Letting it happen is something the General Assembly should authorize instead of fighting a risky court battle that could result in the tribe winning the right to bring back video poker in the state — at least on the Catawba reservation at Rock Hill. So why not reach an accord with the Catawbas that allows the tribe to have its authorized second bingo site — in Santee — while removing any pressure to revive video poker? It seems clear the tribe at some point — through legislation or lawsuit — is going to win concessions beyond the status quo. Why must there be a court fight to make it happen when Orangeburg County is ready to be home to the operation that satisfies the Catawbas and would limit the high-stakes video gaming (bingo in this case) to the Santee site?" Get the Story: