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Editorial: Cowlitz Tribe's casino needs more study

Wednesday, December 7, 2005

"Supporters of the Cowlitz Tribe's proposed casino in north Clark County must be scrambling this week to plug all the holes Pat McDonnell shot in their figurative bucket.

McDonnell is the Vancouver city manager, and as Jeffrey Mize reported in Sunday's Columbian, he recently fired off a letter to the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs challenging the thoroughness and objectivity of a controversial draft study that pertains to the proposed casino. The draft environmental impact statement is scheduled to be released to the public later this month. Details already have been reported in The Columbian. If that document does not address serious concerns McDonnell has about the casino's impact on compulsive gambling, traffic congestion, crime and environmental degradation, then according to his letter "it is likely that the city will challenge the adequacy" of the report. And well it should."

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In Our View - Doubts About Casino (The Columbian 12/6)