The National Indian Gaming Commission on Friday approved a gaming management contract between the Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians and Great Lakes Gaming of Michigan.
The tribe plans to open the Four Winds Casino in New Buffalo by 2007. Great Lakes Gaming will manage the $160 million facility that is expected to generate 1,000 construction jobs and 2,000 permanent jobs. "We are hopeful that the Pokagon Band will have economic success in their gaming venture and other community and economic development plans and continue to provide valuable infrastructure for their community," NIGC Chairman Phil Hogen said. Under the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act., NIGC has authority to review management contracts. Proposed amendments being considered in the Senate would give NIGC more power over different types of tribal casino agreements. The Pokagon Band was recognized by an act of Congress in 1994. The tribe acquired land for the casino site under an exception in IGRA that applies to restored tribes.