The North Kitsap Herald offers "Hy’sh’qa" (Thanks) to the Suquamish Tribe for sharing $5 million from the Suquamish Clearwater
Casino Resort with the local community since 2007:
The funds come from Appendix X grants (Appendix X, section 14, of the gaming compact between the Suquamish Tribe and the State of Washington describes specific funds available for award to charitable, non-profit and Tribal community programs), as well as the Port Madison Enterprises Board of Directors Fund, Clearwater Casino Resort sponsorships and in-kind donations, and employee giving. The giving helps support arts, education, health care, public safety, recreation programs, social services and other nonprofits that enhance our quality of life. The work of the recipients is celebrated at an annual Spirit of Giving dinner. This spirit of giving speaks to the growing economic strength of the Suquamish Tribe; the Tribe was the seventh-largest public sector employer in Kitsap County in 2013, according to the Kitsap Economic Development Alliance, and its enterprises were the second-largest source of jobs in the county. But this spirit of giving also speaks to the Tribe’s culture of caring and sharing — a culture that is a vital part of our local safety net.Get the Story: