Attorney W. Stuart Scott urges Tennessee to legalize gaming sooner rather than later:
As a Tennessee attorney, I am somewhat of an anomaly. Over the past few years, through research, collaboration with out-of-state attorneys and counseling with private Indian reservations, I’ve learned a great deal about casino gaming law while residing in one of the few states that prohibits gaming. The further I delve into the practice, the more I believe Tennessee is not far from bringing the gaming debate to the forefront. As Tennessee continues to struggle with funding public services, I believe public pressure for gaming will mount and legislators will be forced to consider the idea, especially with Kentucky and Arkansas legislators actively considering casino gaming. It will not be a debate without controversy, of course, as gambling and moral issues are tightly linked in the minds and hearts of many Tennesseans. I believe that the debate will be similar to that which Nashville participated in years ago when liquor by the drink was approved. It will come down to some people’s personal convictions versus economics. Economics won in the liquor debate; will it carry the day in the gaming debate? The one thing I am sure of is that this debate will begin, sooner rather than later — perhaps as early as the next legislative session. With gaming happening all around us, it is inevitable that we will have to address this issue. Let’s hope we do it with the best interests of all Tennesseans in mind.Get the Story: