Officials in Albany, New York, are raising questions about a commercial casino project involving the Chickasaw Nation of Oklahoma.
Global Gaming
Solutions, a tribal subsidiary, plans to operate a casino for the developers of the
$300 million E23
Casino. But with a June 30 deadline approaching, the group has yet to submit a plan to the city and negotiations have not begun for a host agreement.
“We’re still waiting,” Mayor Kathy Sheehan told The Albany Business Review.
Additionally, city officials say up to half of the project site might not suitable for development.
But David Flaum, one of the partners, disputed that claim.
"There is more than enough acreage on our site to build our vision for E23," Flaum told The Albany Times-Union. "We are moving forward with E23 and submitting a winning proposal."
As many as five groups are competing for the sole commercial casino license for the Capitol Region.
Get the Story:
Casino vision blurs
(The Albany Times-Union 5/30)
Albany city officials still have no proposal from casino operator as deadline nears
(The Albany Business Review 5/30)
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