Susan Andronico writes about the benefits of the $28 billion Indian gaming industry:
According to federal law, tribes have the right to own land other than reservation land — land held in trust by the U.S. for tribal benefit — and specified lands where a tribe exercises its government powers and develop it like any other business entity. I would like to point out a few important facts: We all know how tribes ended up on reservations. Reservations were areas of land given to tribes in treaties. Usually, that translated to worthless dirt. I know a local tribe that has a parcel of “reservation” that has no potable water, no natural resources, and no value. I am quite sure it’s not the only tribe that owns worthless dirt. If you have ever visited a reservation, you would know that many times you find depression and poverty. New casinos create tribal income. Many of the tribes use the revenues to lift up their people; offer services, medical and dental care, scholarships, and elders funds.Get the Story: