Writer says Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation of Connecticut isn't doing so well at its casino:
Here's what we know. 1. Foxwoods' gaming revenues have been declining steadily for several years. 2. A large percentage of Foxwoods' customers come from Massachusetts; primarily the eastern half of Massachusetts. 3. Once the three planned Massachusetts casinos and one slot parlor open up, Foxwoods expects their Connecticut revenues to drop even further - by a substantial amount. The Foxwoods team freely admitted all of these points publicly at this last meeting. And the business recently reported its 19th consecutive month of declining slot revenues (Hartford Courant, Aug. 15). So if Foxwoods Massachusetts does not go through, Foxwoods' total share of New England gaming revenues is going to get hammered. Not just drop a little; they will get hammered.Get the Story: