The Dry Creek Rancheria has said it won't pursue plans for a second casino but the Federated Indians of
Graton Rancheria is questioning the claim.
The Dry Creek Rancheria submitted a land-into-trust application for 277 acres to the the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
The Graton Rancheria says the no-casino claim should be put down in writing.
“Call his bluff,” Graton Rancheria Chairman Gregg Sarris told The Santa Rosa Press-Demcrat, referring to Dry Creek Chairman Harvey Hopkins. “Have him make a statement that they will never develop a casino there. Have him make a legal and binding (memorandum of understanding) with the county and the city that should ... that land go into trust, it will never be used for the purpose of gaming."
Sarris, incidentally, said his tribe wouldn't pursue gaming when it sought federal recognition.
The tribe's $800 million Graton Resort
and Casino will open later this year.
Get the Story:
Graton tribal chairman Greg Sarris echoes Petaluma's opposition to feared casino
(The Santa Rosa Press-Democrat 8/5)
RP casino, 7,000 applications, 2,500 jobs
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