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Editorial: Let Tohono O'odham Nation move forward on casino

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Newspaper questions why Rep. Trent Franks (R-Arizona) is trying to prevent the Tohono O'odham Nation from opening an off-reservation casino:
Is it any wonder so many people distrust government – at any level? When there are so many questions about the motives of the plaintiffs, one begins to ask about the greed factor.

Does anyone believe the future of Indian gaming in Arizona is at risk if the Tohono O’odham Nation eventually wins this long, drawn-out battle in the courts? Who is willing to bet on the future of Indian gaming in our state?

If Congressman Franks is so set against gambling, he should be trying to get rid of all the casinos in the state. He should be out stumping for the end to gambling altogether.

Instead, he is working on the side of the two major gambling operations in the Valley, both in the East Valley, by the way.

Get the Story:
Editorial: Stop the waste; let Nation build resort/casino (The Glendale Star 8/1) $P Related Stories:
House committee backs bill to block Tohono O'odham casino (7/25)