Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder (R) refused to agree to an off-reservation casino for the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community.
The Bureau of Indian Affairs approved the casino plan in December 2011 under the two-part determination provisions of the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act. The law gives the governor the ability to veto the project. Snyder said he was open to the idea but wanted to discuss several issues unrelated to the two-part determination process, such as revenue sharing and taxation. According to a press release, the tribe did not want to negotiate. The tribe wants to move the Ojibwa II Casino to a site in the same county. The new site is actually closer to tribal headquarters than the current facility. The Ojibwa II Casino was the subject of a successful two-part determination back in 2000. Since the passage of IGRA in 1988, only three tribes have opened off-reservation casinos in the same manner. Get the Story: