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Ho-Chunk Nation still working on off-reservation casino bid

Monday, May 20, 2013

The Ho-Chunk Nation is still submitting information to the Bureau of Indian Affairs for its off-reservation casino, an official in Beloit, Wisconsin said.

The BIA is preparing an environmental impact statement for the casino. A public meeting was held last December but a report hasn't been released.

“Nothing has changed since then, but the impact statement is a huge project,” city manager Larry Arft told The Beloit Daily News.

The tribe plans to build the casino on 32 acres in Beloit. The tribe also purchased 41 acres adjacent to the site but that won't be placed in trust.

The tribe is pursing the casino under two-part determination provisions of the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act. That means the state governor's approval will be needed.

Get the Story:
City, tribe seek road grant (The Beloit Daily News 5/18)

Federal Register Notice:
Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Ho-Chunk Nation Beloit Casino Project, City of Beloit, Rock County, WI (November 26, 2012) Related Stories:
Ho-Chunk Nation says off-reservation casino comes in compact (03/04)