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Spokane Tribe releases new report for off-reservation casino

Friday, May 3, 2013

The Spokane Tribe of Washington released a new study on Thursday that says its off-reservation casino won't interfere with the Fairchild Air Force Base.

The Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Federal Aviation Administration already said the West Plains Mixed-Use Development would not impact operations at the nearby base. But the tribe commissioned a new assessment to assuage concerns.

"Both the EIS and now the Madison Report conclude that STEP will have no negative impact on existing and future operations at Fairchild Air Force Base. The Spokane Tribe has worked closely with the Air Force and Bureau of Indian Affairs to ensure any and all mitigation measures recommended for the sake of Fairchild were accommodated," Chairman Rudy Peone said in a press release.

The tribe submitted the study to the BIA, which closed the public comment period on the environmental impact statement for the casino on May 1.If the agency approves the project, it will require the approval of the Gov. Jay Inslee (D), who has not stated his position.

Get the Story:
Spokane Tribe unveils casino report (KREM 5/2)
Fairchild should get KC-46A decision this month (KXLY 5/2)
Spokane Tribe’s casino study rejects Fairchild conflict (The Spokesman Review 5/3)

Federal Register Notice:
Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Spokane Tribe of Indians West Plains Casino and Mixed Use Project, City of Airway Heights, Spokane County, WA (February 1, 2013) Related Stories:
Letter: Spokane Tribe addressed military concerns on casino (4/25)