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White Earth Band makes new offer for off-reservation casino

Friday, April 6, 2012

White Earth Band of Ojibwe Indians made a new offer for an off-reservation casino in Minnesota but lawmakers didn't appear receptive to the idea.

The tribe offered to fund the entire cost of a new Minnesota Vikings stadium. That would amount to $400 million up front.

The tribe would also share $12 million a year with racetracks, in addition to sharing revenue with the state. Chairwoman Erma Vizenor said the deal means $1 billion in the first five years of the casino's operation.

“We have moved the ball to the goal line,” Vizenor said at a press conference, The Detroit Lakes Tribune reported. “It is now the governor and Legislature’s turn; you have the ball.”

The tribe is not seeking to operate the casino as an Indian gaming facility. Lawmakers, however, are looking at other ways to fund the stadium.

Get the Story:
White Earth tribe offers $400M for state share of Vikings stadium (The Minneapolis Star Tribune 4/6)
White Earth’s ‘win-win’ stadium/casino plan seems DOA (MinnPost 4/5)
White Earth ups the ante on metro casino proposal -- says it will front the state’s Vikings stadium construction costs (The Detroit Lakes Tribune 4/5)