"State Sen. Ellyn Bogdanoff of Fort Lauderdale and Rep. Erik Fresen of Miami claim their legislation to add three destination casinos to Florida is aimed at reducing gambling in the state. But based on the 142-page bill the pair finally unveiled Wednesday, that's misleading at best. If the Legislature approves HB 487 in anything close to its initial draft, the state might as well put a sign at the border: Welcome to Las Vegas East. The least Bogdanoff and Fresen could do is be honest about the impact of their sweeping legislation.
The bill favors the international casino industry over homegrown Florida businesses. Bogdanoff and Fresen would tax casinos at 10 percent but force the state's parimutuels to still hand over 35 percent. The bill would also take all limits off the casinos built by the Seminole Indian Tribe, which would no longer have to contribute roughly $230 million to state coffers over the next three years. And it does nothing to regulate Internet cafes, the scourge popping up in strip malls across the state. This isn't a plan to limit big-time gambling to South Florida. This is a plan to let outside casino industry players make a fortune at the expense of Florida's family-friendly brand and the state's long-term economic prospects. Don't be fooled." Get the Story: