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Letter: Investor whines about Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe debt

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

"The state-supported gambling issue in Massacusetts is hypocritical to begin with. How can a government make private gambling illegal (presumedly because it is a nefarious and crime-related activity), yet support it when sanctioned by itself? It doesn't matter if it's lottery tickets, casinos or horse racing.

Then I read about Herb Strather whining to the governor about getting his seed gambling money back. The picture of him on Page A4 says a lot: big smile and double-fisted victory signals thrust exuberantly in response to the Wampanoag tribe's federal recognition in 2006."

Get the Story:
Caleb Warren: Tribe investor's losses aren't government's affair (The Cape Cod Times 10/5)

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